Sunday, July 5, 2009

Silent Sunday Mornings

King Mountain Lake, 2005
6" x 6",
Acrylic on

Have you ever noticed how quiet Sunday mornings are? Maybe it's because we live in a Western society where Sunday is traditionally a day of rest (apologies to those millions who work on Sundays). But even Mother Nature seems to take a breather.

I just spent a blissful 90 minutes in the backyard drinking my favourite jasmine green tea (Dragon's Tears) and reading a very interesting book called "I am a Strange Loop", all about the human mind. My dog Dasch slept in the shade, the sun was warm on my back, and the birds were singing - what a deeply restful time!

I highly recommend a timeout on a Sunday morning - emphasis on out . It restores the spirit and leaves you ready to face the day.
Happy painting!

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